Slippery/Icy Intersections at 9720 Ridge Rd

CLOSED Complete - over 2 years ago #22-00000016
Submitted Mon Jan 03, 2022

This road and apple Ln is terrible. Black ice everywhere, accidents already, accident includes me by sliding the whole way into a car and a car slides into someone else.. maybe a salt truck should go through these streets.

Any personal injury or damage: Yes

address: 9720 RIDGE RD, WINDSOR, ON

coordinates x,y: 341791.2676163297, 4685902.166769303

coordinates lat,lng: 42.309295, -82.91961666666667

Timestamp Description
Tue Jan 04, 2022 09:33pm Closed with status: Complete
Mon Jan 03, 2022 01:28am Opened
Mon Jan 03, 2022 01:26am Submitted via iPhone Iphone