View Requests - 53 found

Recreation Facility Feedback at 401 Pitt St W

New Windsor sign obstructs bike racks.
CLOSED over 5 years ago #19-00021966

Recreation Facility Feedback at 3896 Daytona Ave

Marguriet Park ... how much longer till the Park is open? Grandchildren anxious to play!
CLOSED over 5 years ago #19-00019407

Recreation Facility Feedback at 1304 Church St

Mitchell Park, new breakaway basketball hoop broken at north end of court
CLOSED almost 6 years ago #19-00015234
Recreation Facility Feedback at 1304 Church St

Recreation Facility Feedback at 3635 Holburn St

Play equipment At Maguire park on Holburn street was removed. Is it being replaced?
CLOSED almost 6 years ago #19-00013029

Recreation Facility Feedback at 1704 Chandler Rd

The staff assigned to the FTTP are some of Windsor's hardest working and friendly employees! Considering the amount of staff and the size of the facility it is clear to me that they are going above and beyond to ensure the park is clean a...
CLOSED almost 6 years ago #19-00012901
Recreation Facility Feedback at 1704 Chandler Rd

Recreation Facility Feedback at 2404 Bernard Rd

Memorial (Optimist Dog Park) There are 2 loads of wood chips in the end of the Memorial Park parking lot. Can these chips please be spread out inside the dog park. This DOG park is used 365 days a year and needs to be on a regular monthly...
CLOSED almost 6 years ago #19-00010090
Recreation Facility Feedback at 2404 Bernard Rd

Recreation Facility Feedback at 1460 Lauzon Rd

There is a lane choice sign on the road exiting this facility. This App won't let me upload a picture from my gallery though, but it is located on the road that is located close to The Villages. Whomever put this sign together put both la...
CLOSED almost 6 years ago #19-00007919

Recreation Facility Feedback at 3205 Forest Glade Dr

Some signs at the main parking lot are damaged, especially a stop sign leading out to Forest Glade drive. It's been like that for some time and nothing is being done about it, it looks terrible!!!
CLOSED almost 6 years ago #19-00007915

Recreation Facility Feedback at 8787 Mchugh St

What kind of arena complex has concessions that are closed, while there's hockey games going on, on a Sunday??? If the contractor doesn't want to stay open, pull their license. People get hungry/thirsty sometimes...
CLOSED almost 6 years ago #19-00010087
Recreation Facility Feedback at 8787 Mchugh St

Recreation Facility Feedback at 630 Broadway St

Black Oak Park-- Who is contacted to get a load of gravel or pea stone dumped around the pedestrian gate. This gate is the only opening in the fence and it has turned into a muddy ditch. This pic was taken before the rain!
CLOSED almost 6 years ago #19-00008986
Recreation Facility Feedback at 630 Broadway St

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