Snow/Ice on Sidewalks Residential/Commercial at 1390 Lauzon Rd

CLOSED Complete - almost 3 years ago #22-00003003
Submitted Tue Jan 25, 2022

The sidewalk on the west side of Lauzon Rd has to be cleaned from the tracks going north to McHugh twisted my ankle trying to walk in the foot prints back is killing me gave up and had to walk on the road they always forget about the sidewalks.

Enter specific address: No specific address from the track to McHugh some people do but most do not.

address: 1390 LAUZON RD, WINDSOR, ON

coordinates x,y: 340526.17274696776, 4687424.614717516

coordinates lat,lng: 42.3227406571921, -82.93537816559972

Timestamp Description
Fri Jan 28, 2022 10:04am Closed with status: Complete
Tue Jan 25, 2022 04:03pm Opened
Tue Jan 25, 2022 04:01pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone