Report a Concern Not Listed at 1021 Langlois Ave

CLOSED 6 months ago #24-00017958
Submitted Sun Feb 11, 2024

Response: **311 Response: A service request has been submitted to our Compliance and Enforcement department. Please contact 311 for further information if required. Valid contact information is required when submitting a request in order to follow up on its status. Please see the FAQ section for details.** Lots of garbage all over behind this business. Consistently dirty and spilling into the alley making it difficult for residents to get down the alley where home parking is. Currently garbage and debris scattered everywhere as well as a toilet that has been there for weeks and is now being smashed

Nature of Inquiry: Request for Service

Issue: Would love to see this business maintain their property


coordinates x,y: 333553.09492130275, 4686562.840004709

coordinates lat,lng: 42.313525, -83.0197055

Timestamp Description
Mon Feb 12, 2024 11:13am Closed
Sun Feb 11, 2024 06:10pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone
Sun Feb 11, 2024 01:11pm Opened